Department of Library

The computerized library has a rich collection of books, presently it has about 30,946 copies of books, 9 journals and 6 periodicals. The library is not only capable to support the existing disciplines in the Institute but also it can impart the knowledge for higher study. Moreover, it has a rare collection of books in Mining and Instrumentation. It is one of the important resource center of the Institute, serving both students as well as the faculties.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the college library. The library opens at 7 a.m. for the Morning Section and remains open till 12 noon. The library in the Day shift remains open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students of the Morning shift can avail of the reading room facility during the Day Shift.

Faculty Members:

Sri Utpal KonarM.Com, B.Lib.Librarian
Sri Nandalal MandalM.Com., MLIS.Librarian
Sri Tanmay SahaMLIS, BLIS, BALibrarian